It's SumNertime!

Kids Fit. Life Enrichment Tips.

Endless Possibilities                         Be the change                     Live What you love

Kathy Sumner, Owner and Founder 

It's SumNertime! 

Kids Fit. Life Enrichment Tips., LLC 

  • Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, George Mason University

          4 year Student-Athlete, Women's Track & Field

  • Masters of Science in Reading, NOVA Southeastern University
  • Specialists in Educational Leadership, NOVA Southeastern Univ.
  • 5 year Counselor with New Orleans Girls First Sports Camp
  • 17 year Certified and Highly Effective Educator in DCPS
  • 15 year school social and community event planner
  • 5 year Highly Qualified Elementary Reading Teacher
  • 12 year Physical Education Teacher at KIPP DC Charter and DCPS

     Other Camps, Non-Profits, and Tutoring Agencies include:

     Children’s Trust, College Summit, SES Tutoring, Club Z one on one, in      home tutoring, Youth Mentor at Sanctuary of Praise Church


- Mentoring
- Life Coach Counseling
- Sisterhood
​- Brotherhood
- Bonding
​- Role modeling

- Cultural Diversity




It's SumNertime LLC believes the transition from childhood to adulthood in adolescent’s lives to be a very challenging period, especially in today’s society. This boisterous period include the search for personal identity, attaining emotional and psychological independence, and mastering impulse control. During this time, young people must also develop critical thinking and reasoning skills necessary for future adult roles, and obtaining social skills to relate to parents and peers. 

It's SumNertime LLC will help equip all girls and boys with the skills to be successful in life and support them as they strive toward healthy lifestyles and positive productive futures. We create a fun positive, kid friendly learning environment and help children discover their own unique talents and values. 

Founded in 2014, It's SumNertime LLC strives to help shape and mold children to exhibit a respectful, well-rounded lifestyle. From numerous studies completed on the value of participation in sports for children, all have found significant relationships between increased self-esteem, lessened depression, and growth in developing coping skills to overcome environmental and family stressors.